An alarm clock on vacation?!

I got up earlier on my last Edisto Beach vacation then I do at home. What?? Why??

It’s so easy to let our daily habits slip when we go on vacation. (And, sometimes that's okay.) Recently, I learned the power in maintaining them.

Imagine a houseful of people and two dogs that hadn’t been together since pre-COVID with the “peaceful front porch” looking over a noisy road with cars passing, families biking and people walking their dogs. Add to that, family dynamics. My nervous system was getting dysregulated on what was supposed to be a relaxing beach vacation.

I set my alarm for 5:45 AM because the sun rose at 6:13 am. I wanted to see it.

My whole day felt better after that first morning, so I made it a habit to start my days on the beach. Often, I was the only one on it. In the early quiet, I watched the sunrise, meditated and journaled. I marveled in the beauty of a brand-new day.

Yes, it feels really yummy to sleep in, but it felt better to start my day strong.

How we start our day lays a strong foundation for the rest of our day.

Regardless of their initial goal, my coaching clients and I often end up discussing making time for themselves and creating habits that support them.

We can’t show up for others if we don’t show up for ourselves first.

How do you show up for yourself?

#coaching #habits #morningmotivation #morningroutine #riverstonerising

Sunrise at Edisto Beach, SC. Yellowish sun coming up into the clouds over the ocean.

Allison Jordan