Attributes of the Ideal Executive Director

Executive Directors need hope, the ability to dream and the courage to push back the status quo. Executive Directors need to be able to have boundaries for themselves, their staff and the organization. They need to be able to listen deeply. Listen to staff, clients, board members, community, supporters and themselves. Executive Directors need love and joy.

I don’t know if this was the answer she was expecting, but it is what came to my heart.

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First question to ask when using AI

“I’ve started using AI (Artificial Intelligence) to edit my book.” shared a coaching client, “I had a brain injury and sometimes my words get jumbled.”

 AI is everywhere right now. I received at least 5 emails in the past week talking about it. In actuality, AI has been around since the 1950s’ but as it’s sophistication grows, AI is taking root in every sector.  Put very simply, AI is a computer’s ability to think like a human.

 Let me say that again, a computer that can think like a human.

 What previously was used primarily by a few, is now more widely available to all. Grant writers. College students. College Professors. Hiring Mangers. Content Creators. Writers.

 As we move through this new era, the first question we need must ask ourselves when using AI is,

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Your Most Important Meeting

Your most important meeting might be the one you have with yourself.

Meeting with yourself will help you lead others better.

In her recent article, “Loneliness or Solitude: The Case for Being Alone.” Anne Ness outlined the benefits of solitude or of being alone intentionally. I like to call it “meeting with ourselves.” Being alone is different than being lonely and it’s not just for introverts. Spending just 15 – 20 minutes a day in solitude can make you a better leader.

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Making meaning from images

“Create an image that represents your team when you are living into your purpose and values.”  

I watch leaders shrink as I share these instructions during a Leadership Team Staff Retreat. I listen as they protest that they can’t draw. 

And yet, I am always in awe as to what they create. More importantly, I’m in awe of the meaning they make from their creations. (which is the real point)

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Allison Jordan
Commitment to Myself

I hesitated. There were less rocks to cross on than last time. Plus, it was snowing. I could get wet and cold.
I had made plans with myself to hike last Friday afternoon because I’ve committed to hiking more this year.  I would be the only one who would know if I didn’t hike.
Finally, I decided to take my chances. If I fell in, I would turn around and go home.

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Permission to Pause

I've learned that I need to pause. I learned that the organization was better when I paused - when I paused to rest, to move, to learn, to reflect. I paused so that I could center myself and respond from a place of groundedness, of confidence, of knowing.

Pausing wasn't easy. Its's not written in policy or often accepted in our society.

And yet, pausing is so important.

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Astrology, Joy and Reflection!

When I was an Executive Director, I did not always stop to see and feel the joy in the work – the small wins and the big wins – because there was always something coming next that needed my attention. Because there will always be something next is precisely why we need to stop and feel the joy. Take a moment to pause. Celebrate our wins.

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Whose supporting you?

We’ve all heard the analogy about the oxygen on the airplane, we have to put our own oxygen on first before we can take care of others. Yet, many of don’t heed this. We keep giving and giving without filling our own cups until we are depleted and have nothing to give anymore.

Self-care is not a luxury but a need. Self-care is not all about bubble baths and massages but if you can’t get those images out of your head then reframe self-care to self – support.

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